

Location Map

Digital Interactive Lab & Multipurpose Area, 2/F,
Main Library, The University of Hong Kong

Transportation by MTR

From HKU Station to Campus

From Exit A2 to Main Library

To go to the Main Library, please leave HKU Station at Exit A2. Turn left at the end of footbridge and walk along the University Street. The Main Library Entrance is located on the 2nd floor connecting the Main Library to the University Street.

Parking Information

Parking Map

There are open spaces at HKU for parking , please refer to the map for parking locations at HKU. Parking spaces are available on a first come, first serve basis.

Remark: Please avoid parking at the Knowles Building Parking.

Parking Fee

The hourly parking fee is:
  • $30 Per hour (1st & 2nd hour)
  • $40 Per hour (3rd hour & thereafter)
  • Vehicle bearing a “Disable Person Permit” issued by the Transport Department can have a 50% discount of the overstaying charges.
